
How to explore AfroCom - the new Africa

AfroCom is more than just a social media platform. It's a next-generation ecosystem that revolutionizes the way we connect and engage in the digital space.

At the heart of AfroCom lies a powerful community. We believe that our collective well-being is interconnected – when one of us thrives, we all thrive. This philosophy fuels a vibrant network where members engage to uplift each other, ultimately strengthening our communities.

AfroCom is inclusive. You can explore the platform as a guest or unlock its full potential with a membership.  Respect, kindness, and understanding are the cornerstones of our community, so let's foster a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Welcome to AfroCom - the new Africa 🌍

1 - AfroCom Members Interface (expand arrow)

Get to know the parts and pieces of the platform

In the below video,  familiarize yourself with the main parts of AfroCom after logging in

2 - User Dashboard (expand arrow)

Access your profile, well-being, network, circle, chat and others

Familiarize yourself with accessing and navigating your 

3 - Account: Profile & Data (expand arrow)

Edit, request, and delete your information

1 - Edit your data (Profile & Account ) 

You can access and edit your information on AfroCom either through your profile or account  page:

How to access and edit your profile info:

This information includes your profile photo, name, bio, location, hashtags, contacts and posts

How to access and edit your account info:

This information includes your profile photo, name, bio, location, hashtags, contacts and posts

This information includes your profile photo, name, bio, location, hashtags, contacts and posts

2 - How to request your account information

The Request Account Information feature allows you to submit a request for and export a report of your AfroCom account information and settings. 

Request report

Your report will typically be available three days after the date you requested it. 


Download and export the report

When the report is available to download, you'll receive an AfroCom notification on your phone, stating “Your Account Info Report is now available”. The Request Account Info screen in AfroCom will tell you the deadline you have to download the report before it’s deleted from our servers. Because this report contains your information, you should be careful about storing, sending, or uploading it to any other services.

After you download the report to your phone, you'll have the option to permanently delete the downloaded copy from your phone by tapping Delete report > DELETE or Delete Report on the Request account info screen. Deleting the report won't delete any of your AfroCom account data.

3- How to delete your account

You can delete your account from within AfroCom.

Deleting your account is irreversible. We can’t reverse this even if you delete it by accident.

Note: You can delete your account from your primary device or our AfroCom web version.

To delete your account

In the popup panel;

Deleting your account will:

If you delete your account:

If contacts are still seeing you as an AfroCom user after you’ve deleted your account, ask them to restart AfroCom.

This will refresh their AfroCom contacts and you should be removed from their contacts list. This won’t delete their chats with you, though.

4 - Community Engagement (expand the arrow)

Through sharing posts, status, commenting, networking and collaborations, likes and dislikes, 

1- Creating a post 

On AfroCom, you can create and share two types of posts: a "moment" and a "community" post with text, audio, image, and video.

How to create a Moment post:

On the Posting Screen, 

Note: For security reasons, our algorithm hides other users from seeing your very location

How to create a Community post:

On the Posting Screen, 

2- Creating a status

On AfroCom, you can create and share two types of posts

5 - AfroCom Super-App Menu (expand arrow)

Services and features ecosystem, cocreating it, community statistics

Familiarize yourself with the 

Video coming soon - thanks for the patience

6 - Afro-Civil Organizations and Activities (expand arrow)

Locate, connect and enage with these organizations and thier activities around you

Familiarize yourself with civil organizations and activities around you

Video coming soon - thanks for the patience

7 - Settings (expand arrow)

Personalize AfroCom - personalize your experience

1- Personalize the User Interface (UI)

Currently, AfroCom allows you to personalize the UI by :

Setting either Dark or Light Mode themes

Option one:

Option two:

Change Main Buttons Color

2- Language

Instruction content coming soon

3- Location

Instruction content coming soon

4- Currency

Instruction content coming soon

5- AI Assisted Well-being 

Instruction content coming soon